@php if($testRow->show_result==1): @endphp
{{ __lang('your-score') }}
{{ $row->score }}%
{{ __lang('passmark') }}
{{ $testRow->passmark }}%
@php if($row->score >= $testRow->passmark ): @endphp
Congratulations on passing MEN ZONE ACADEMY {{ $testRow->name }}
@php if($row->test_id == 3 ): @endphp
Now you are ready to advance to the next level
@php endif; @endphp
@php if($row->test_id == 4): @endphp
Congratulations on successfully completing the 3 Levels of MEN ZONE ACADEMY Assessment Tests!
@php endif; @endphp
@php else: @endphp
You Have Failed this test,try again.
@php endif; @endphp
@php else: @endphp
{{ __lang('you-completed-test') }}
@php endif; @endphp
@php if($row->score >= $testRow->passmark ): @endphp
Print Result
@php endif; @endphp
@php if((!$studentTest->hasTest($row->test_id,$id) || !empty($testRow->allow_multiple))&& ($studentTest->attemptTest($row->test_id,$id) < 3)): @endphp
Retake Test
@php endif; @endphp